Saturday, April 16, 2005

Superman Set Photos and Video

It's been a pretty slow week for movie news, and there's not really anything good coming out until Star Wars next month, so I haven't had much to post about lately. Still not much earth-shattering to report, but i have found a few things that are pretty cool. First off this website has the first pictures anywhere of Superman Returns star, Brandon Routh in costume as Clark Kent. I've always been in favor of casting an unknown in the role, and seeing those pictures just proves my point. That IS Clark Kent. Any known actor would've just looked like himself dressed as Clark, and even more so as Superman. The only time I saw anyone aside from Clark in those pics is when i noticed a slight resemblance to Christopher Reeve, which is far from a bad thing.

There's also videos on and that I thought were pretty funny. This might be the first time in Internet history that two video blogs for movies in production have crossed over. Could Bryan Singer be taking over the King Kong production? We'll see. The videos in quetion are "video 7" on Blue Tights and "day 131" on Kong is King.


At 4:33 PM, Blogger Greg Luther said...

yeah, they went through at least three other directors before Bryan Singer. none of which could find a way to make the movie for less than $200 million. Singer had similar budget constraints on the two X-Men movies though, and he found a way to make them work. So it looks like they made the right choice.


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