Paul Greengrass Talks Watchmen has a very good interview up with Paul Greengrass, the director of the upcoming Watchmen movie. You can read the first half of that here. I think the author of the article really sums up the fan community's feelings on the film well. We're excited about it, but we also fear it. Watchmen is largely considered the greatest comic series of all time and personally is my favorite book ever (yes I describe it as a "book"), so we are all more than a little worried they'll screw it up. I like the way Greengrass comes off here though. He seems very reverant of the material, but he comes at it from a film perspective instead of a comic perspective, which should help him figure out what works in a movie and what doesn't, whereas most comic fans would try to jam everything in there. I'm still a little unsure of how this would work set today, as opposed to being a 1980's period piece. I understand that it has to be done, but I hope bringing the story to 2005 doesn't harm the material. Can't wait till they start announcing some casting decisions on this one. Watchmen can be purchased at for the bargain price of $13.57.
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